Wednesday, October 15, 2008

First Blog.

This is my first post, even though I started this blog some time ago. I'm just fumbling my way through...this computer stuff really confuses me at times. Just wait till I try to post some pics. I am mom to three daughters and trying to pick up the pieces of my life after finding myself suddenly single after 28 years of marriage. Surfing all those wonderful blogs out there sure helps. I especially like the quilting, crafting, home decorating and creating ones.

1 comment:

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Maggie, I remember when I first started. I had NO comments for awhile...and when I did, they were from present post and people had gone back to read old ones. :) I am always amazed when someone choses to follow my blog and make comments! I always wonder why! :)

I panic now because I cannot possibly visit ALL the blogs I want to follow...and it still puzzles me. I will decide to follow someone and then after a few weeks, find that I have not been back to visit and I feel terrible. I have NO system and it concerns me.
So far no one has been able to help me on that one! :)
Good luck to you and please don't become discouraged! I think you are doing wonderfully!